Appendix D. Free Access to Minors

Free access to all library materials and services will not be restricted because of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, national origins, or social or political views, in accordance with Article V of the Library Bill of Rights. In deference to the right of parents and guardians to determine the extent of their children’s access to and use of library materials and services, the Calhoun County Library will not impose any restraints on access and use by minors.

In accordance with Article V of the Library Bill of Rights, the Calhoun County Library assures free access to its holdings and services for all registered patrons. It is the freedom of the individual to select or reject any item. Children are not limited to the juvenile collection, which is housed separately in order to facilitate maintenance and use. Responsibility for a child’s use of the Library, including his or her reading choices, must rest solely with the parent or guardian. The Library cannot and will not act in the place of the parent in any situation. Librarians are available to provide reader guidance and assistance with selecting materials.

Libraries are charged with the mission of developing resources to meet the diverse information needs and interests of the communities they serve. Services, materials, and facilities that fulfill the needs and interests of library users at different stages in their personal development are a necessary part of library resources. The needs and interests of each user of the Calhoun County Library, and resources appropriate to meet those needs and interests, must be determined on an individual basis. The Library cannot predict what resources will best fulfill the needs and interests of any individual user based on a single criterion such as chronological age, educational level, literacy skills, or legal emancipation.

The Calhoun County Library will not limit the selection and development of library resources simply because minors will have access to them, as this would result in an unethical restriction of information for all patrons.