Patron Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Purpose: To protect the privacy of patron’s library records and personal information in accordance with state and county laws

Policy: All information contained in a patron record, including circulation statistics, personal identification information, and usage of library materials, is confidential information and may only be released under the following circumstances:

  1. A library record may be released to the record holder at any time it is requested
  2. A library record may be released to the non-record holder with written permission from the record holder or verbal permission from the record holder provided a staff member is present to hear the verbal permission.
  3. A library record may be released to a law enforcement officer provided that the officer has the appropriate legal documents (subpoena or search warrant).
  4. A library record may be released for the Library’s administrative purposes including the establishment, maintenance, or transfer of Library records management system.
  5. A library record may be released in the event that it documents improper use of the Internet at the Library, provided that patron identifying information is removed.

When the Library personnel are served with a subpoena, search warrant, or other order from a court of competent jurisdiction, they should immediately notify the Director. The Director will notify the County Prosecutor’s Office for legal assistance in these cases.

In accordance with Arkansas law, minor patrons are given the same rights to privacy as adult patrons. Therefore, the permission of a minor patron is required before his or her records can be released to another party, including parents and guardians.

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Library record – a record in any form (written, verbal, or electronic) that is maintained by the Library and that contains the following types of non-evaluative identifying information:

  • Information required to determine eligibility for services
  • Information that identifies a patron as having requested or obtained a specific answer to a question or materials on a specific subject
  • Information provided by a patron to assist a staff member in answering a specific question or providing specific information

Patron information – any personal identifiable information about an individual who has used any Library service or borrowed any materials belonging to the Library (non-specific age or gender information is not considered patron information)